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Forum: Photos
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Sticky Topic STICKY: General photos
In this topic post "General" photos.. -you know, photos that are ordinary, usual:) If the pic is funny or sexy put it into other topic with "Funny pics" or "Sexy pics"!!
Valentina 4 6110
Sticky Topic STICKY: Just more cute photos ^^
There put pic what u like or so...
Gerly 11 4180
Sticky Topic STICKY: Sexy Photos:)
Here you can post Sexy photos and so:)
Valentina 6 4885
Sticky Topic STICKY: You search.. We find!
Is there some photo that you just can`t find? Are you looking for it for like one century and angry because of that? Let us help you! Decribe a photo (in details) and fall in an adventure for finding your sooo wanted picture :) -Discuss with members of this forum about the look of the photo and you will find...
Valentina 0 3078
Sticky Topic STICKY: Pics from concert
There post pictures what are from more concert or so... :D
Gerly 5 3394
Sticky Topic STICKY: Funny photos
Here you can post funny photos of Sergey :)
Valentina 0 3190
No New Posts Paparazzi photos ;>
Well and here paparazzi photos. A few from me
Sirusho 1 3233
No New Posts Sergey vs Dima Bilan
Like the topic tell Sergey vs Dima Bilan you u find any pics where they wear like same clothes or anything...then put that here :) Dima Sergey [URL=][IMG]http://...
Gerly 2 3479
No New Posts Zhurnal "VIVA" (in sale from 17th September 08 on)
Photos of our dearest singer Sergey in Zhurnal (magazine) named "VIVA". THE "ZHURNAL VIVA" WILL BE IN STORES FROM 17TH SEPTEMBER 2008 ON! Photo:
Valentina 6 3520
No New Posts Sergey - The face of "People"
In here you can find photos from magazine "People" in which are photos of Sergey.. - New collection fall-winter 2008-2009 - Enjoy in photos*
Valentina 5 3538
No New Posts "Mi zhivjem na odnoj planete" (We live on one planet)
Valentina 2 3183
No New Posts St. Petersburg (Gastrolniy grafik tour 08)
Photos from Sergey`s concert in St. Petersburg from "Gastrolniy grafik tour 2008". POST ONLY PHOTOS FROM ST. PETERSBURG CONCERT OR POSTS WILL BE REMOVED!!
Valentina 0 2954
No New Posts Sergey in comercial for "People" magazine
As you are able to read in other topic - "Sergey in People magazine", Sergey was in or better to say on photos in that magazine.. as a (kinda) main model of that seria or how to say it he and his dancers which are always with him on his concerts shot a comercial for of course - "People" m...
Valentina 1 3027
No New Posts Orsk (Gastrolniy grafik tour 08)
Photos from Sergey`s concert in Orsk from "Gastrolniy grafik tour 2008" POST ONLY PHOTOS FROM ORSK CONCERT OR POSTS WILL BE REMOVED!!
Valentina 0 2852
No New Posts Omsk (Gastrolniy grafik tour 08)
Photos from Sergey`s concert in Omsk from "Gastrolniy grafik tour 2008". POST ONLY PHOTOS FROM OMSK CONCERT OR POST WILL BE REMOVED!!
Valentina 0 2954
No New Posts Kazan (Gastrolniy grafik tour 08)
Photos from Sergey`s concert in city Kazan from "Gastrolniy grafik tour 08". POST ONLY PHOTOS FROM KAZAN CONCERT OR POSTS WILL BE REMOVED!!
Valentina 0 3077
No New Posts Concert in Sevastopole - "Ukraina protiv NATO" (Ukraine against NATO)
Sergey was as the name of the topic says on a concert in Sevastopole. The main name of the concert or such is "Ukraina protiv NATO" which in English means "Ukraine against NATO". Photos:
Valentina 0 2854
No New Posts Sergey in magazine "Hello!!"
And here photos from holidays Sergey Lazarev with Lera Kudryavtseva
Sirusho 0 3106
No New Posts Sergey in Russian magazine "Bravo"
Valentina 8 3587
No New Posts Europa plus beach party 2008
Europa plus beach party 2008 was happening in July, in St. Petersburg, Russia. Sergey was of course also there and he sang some songs for people. :) The list of the songs that he sang: - Tv or radio, - Vspominay, - Girlfriend, - Flyer - Shattered dreams, Enjoy in photos and if you have found any share them w...
Valentina 1 3037
No New Posts Festival Novaya volna (New wave) 2008 in Jurmala
In this topic post photos from Festival Novaya volna (New wave) 2008 in Jurmala. The Festival is happening from 23. 07. - 28. 07. 2008 in Jurmala. Sergey is beside being a guest on the festival and being the leader of it also a competitive. He already sang some songs.. (Flyer, I love to hate you, Girlfrie...
Valentina 0 3555
No New Posts Kylie Minouqe in Moscow
In this days was in Moscow, the capital city of Russia a concert of Kylie Minouque. Sergey was also there but as a guest. Photos on If you find photos on any other sites, please post the photos in this topic!
Valentina 0 3080
No New Posts Parad zvezd
Sergey was on "Parad zvezd". That was a concert of his songs:) Enjoy in photos! in this post i found only photos from maybe i`ll find photos anywhere else:D
Valentina 0 3069
No New Posts "Premiya Muz-Tv 2008"
As each year, also this year were "The Muz-Tv awards 2008" :) Sergey was nominated for "artist; singer of the year 2008" - And he got that award!! :) Enjoy in pictures!
Valentina 3 3697
No New Posts High School Musical in Russia
Sergey Lazarev & Kseniya Larina - as Troy & Gabriella singing "Nash zvezdni chas" Russian version of - Breaking free :) So.. enjoy in photos and song (Download it from :D
Valentina 15 5864
No New Posts "Subotniy vecher" 24. 5 2008
Sergey was in a show called "Subotniy vecher" (Saturday`s evening). With his dancing team me performed a song Flyer:) Subotniy vecher is a show at each saturday on tv program Rtr-planeta Enjoy in photos:
Valentina 0 3029
No New Posts Phillip Kirkorov`s Birthday party
Phillip Kirkorov "the king of Russian pop" had a birthday party.. He also invited Sergey and Vlad.. Enjoy in pics:
Valentina 3 4363
No New Posts "Spektakel Odoljite tenora" (Blame the tenor) Theater game
As you might know.. Sergey is also an actor. In? year 2005 he played in a theater game called Odoljite tenora (Blame the tenor) Take a look at pics:)
Valentina 0 2663
No New Posts "Tanci na ldu" (Dancing on ice)
Sergey was also in a show called Dancing on ice.. He was ice-skating with Anastazija Grebenkina ;) In the end they were 2nd (i think) :P
Valentina 0 3326
No New Posts Circus with stars (Cirk z zvezdami)
As you probably know.. Sergey was competing in this Circus with stars... He was 1st... IN THIS TOPIC POST PHOTOS FROM CIRCUS WITH STARS.. [ONLY CIRCUS WITH STARS!!!]
Valentina 4 2793
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