Sergey Lazarev arrived to St. Petersburg, in order to come out in one of the largest and most prestigious halls of the northern capital - SKK of "St. Petersburg" on occasion "Day of the university student Inzhekon" and to congratulate students since the beginning of the academic year. Sergey presented in the law court of gathering hour show, after carrying out songs of two albums and repertoire of the group of " Smash! ". In spite of all declarations about the fact that entrance to the measure only for the invitational tickets - to pass to the scene all by that desiring, possible was immediately after the end of the official part of the celebration how used the crowds of the worshippers of executor. By the way, after appearance Lazarev in haste dashed away to rest into the hotel, so without having opened the window of its automobile, but indeed it they waited about 30 people. Today singer again will appear in the city in the Neva, this time - particular party in the place of " X" , which so remained unsolved.
Sergey had some concerts a couple of days ago.. to be more specific.. in Moscow on 6th and 7th September.. For yesterday i know that in Moscow was a "day of Moscow"..
Sergey Lazarev described to the journal Star the timetable of his day.
10:00I am spilled. I am not dormouse, these are still expenses of profession - it is very late to bed. 10:05Ida into the souls! 10:20the time of breakfast. EM cottage cheese, flakes, and crackers with the cheese. Coffee in the mornings I do not drink, is better tea it more useful. I simultaneously check mail. 10:40it fortunately, recalled that in the evening I fly away into [Almaty]. Of time to return will home today no longer be. It is necessary to rapidly pack trunk. 11:45the first matter until today - the negotiations concerning the sound-recording company about the release of album in southeastern Asia. They passed successfully, I am contented. 14:10sometimes it is necessary to make several matters simultaneously. Here and now - I give the interview for the periodical about the new disk London Of club Of remixes and in parallel select photographs. 16:00I have dinner in the restaurant. Ordered sea products and green tea. Alcohol in practice do not use - I after the control. 16:20they finally brought soup with [osminozhkami]. In it proved to be the bow it is necessary to pick out. 16:55I give telephone interview for the Moldavian radio station Of city FM. 17:30small survey for the tv program. The promised 20 minutes by magic means were extended to all 40. 18:15I am late into the training hall! I ring to my trainer: it already became accustomed to my eternal delays. 19:00it reached the hall! Today we work at muscles of back. The 21:00Of [mchus] on the birthday of friend. I manage to purchase flowers and to drop in on half-hour. The 23:00of villages into the aircraft, it fastened belts. To have a good sleep today will not come out. It is agreeable, to me not to get accustomed although to [podremlyu].
- Support Sergey Lazarev's clip to the song Zachem pridumali lyubov in the hit-parades of the musical channels MTV and THE MUZ-TV! Vote for the dear executor in the programs: Russian 10- kA and Heath- sheet.
[Offend artist it can each!]
The glossy life of the stars of musical scene seems such tempting, almost fairytale. Again and again journalists ask the artists: how for you it was possible to become famous? And the same answers as before are obtained: certainly, complexities occur, but success helps, yes even generally [vezet]. Looking at Sergey Lazarev, many also can say: simply it transported. But this luck was composed of very many components. And who in reality knows, as it so occurs: from the children's ensemble - into the London hit-parades? About the factors of success and luck Sergey Lazarev described with the personal conversation in one of the fashionable cafe after the uncommon breakfast.
- That this is - porridge? Diet? - Of course not. Simply it was wanted porridge from the morning. In me indeed now the morning. I arrived flying into twelve s new wave and nothing he ate, today these are the first food - so that breakfast for me. Early aircraft from Riga, and then interview, interview
- Breakfast - in the evening, immediately from the aircraft - at the interview. It is not heavy? - A as differently? It is on the contrary, good that the public has an interest, that in you they want to take interview, to learn about you something new. True, lexical reserve sometimes simply concludes. You begin to be repeated, one and the same history you tell twenty two times. You feel itself by parrot. Well and the graph it is, of course, complicated to manage. However, work is such. For this all once and began.
- A as it did begin? They speak, many child prodigies then feel sorry, that they did not have normal childhood - and only music or sport
- In me from nine years entire life is painted. And therefore I completely naturally and now live according to graph. But if I then was loose along the streets and nothing he made, today all would be formed differently. That the childhood in me was such serious, it is possible to say, adult, this also good. I now to everything critically relate. And to me they relate with the respect. Indeed to the majority of people this success does not come even for whole life. They only dream about the rewards and the rewards. But I into twenty five years already all this have. In me is the association of musicians and the ballet, is the painted theatrical graph, its concert program, and all this I made my hands. - Who did contribute to your selection of profession? And who did inculcate purposefulness? Child indeed cannot take and be born by that disciplined. Probably, parents are guilty. You in the family have severe discipline? - No. - A as then? - I do not know. Apparently, child nevertheless can be born by that immediately disciplined. (Smilling) They educated me very quietly. They indicated that it is necessary to help mom Mom very early remained one with us, we grew without the father, and this circumstance could not us but influence. We with the brother were only men in the family; therefore they, probably and became critical very early. They understood, that if we do not help mom - no one will help. I from the simple family, Beza any houses and other excesses, was usual [khrushchevka]. Childhood it was necessary to reconstruction, so that we very easily did not live, mom worked on several works. But concerning my allegedly [liderskikh] qualities - they, probably because of the sport gymnastics. Mom returned me into the section from five years. Competitions, occupations, constant loads harden child. They then me returned into the children's ensemble of name it was elbow, where brother danced. He danced - and me took to sing, because voice is good. On the whole, this all began.
- As mom it did evaluate your achievements and does evaluate now? - It always supported. It helped and made all, so that we never would feel the need.
- The first earned money you do remember? - Well, the first earned money spent on the stupid gifts and other nonsense. I remember, in the ensemble of fidget we earned some rubles for the participation in the children's new-year concerts, and I then purchased to family unnecessary gifts. But it purchased by all! To aunt - the culinary book, to grandmother - creams for the hands in the iron tubes, the mom - some inexpensive perfumes. I greatly tried, he walked, he selected. All was calculated so that to me it would be sufficient, oh, this it was very ridiculously. I in this plan was always very concrete. If it was necessary to purchase vegetables - I will run on entire market, I learn, in whom are cheaper the tomatoes, and purchase there.
- Nothing to itself. - Yes. All into the house, all into the family. I followed in order not to spend excess kopeck. - A today this quality was preserved? - Well, no. Certainly, in subconsciousness it remained, but now I can itself allow much more. And not to search for the cheapest vegetables. But I nevertheless spend money with the mind. I cannot throw by money, because I them itself earn even I know, as heavily they are obtained.
- A mom you do today help? - Yes, certainly. Mom temporarily does not work, and I try to help it.
- Is obtained this picture: that disciplined, critical, help mom. This causes respect, especially as today young people usually such qualities do not possess. - Well yes, there are now many [pofigistov].
- A nevertheless, if we twist time back, you anything did change? - In my life all events are caught friend after to friend. Here remove one component - and something not [srastetsya]. If it was not the ensemble of name elbow, there was no Pokrovskiy's theater - that would not go in fidgets. But would not go in fidgets - there would be no [Smesh], but it means, I am not such, as now. In the fidgets moreover took place my first actor's work - I was removed in the medley. Without this I even did not think about the entering into theatrical VUZ (Institute of Higher Education). Specifically, the leader of fidgets sent me to the necessary side - to the actor's department.
- Say, people, which in the childhood behaved very with restraint, at the ripe age sometimes they explode as bomb. Them it is unexpectedly desirable to complete some folly. So immediately - [bats]! :. - [Bats]! Here precisely! In me also such occurs! But I nevertheless try this to do not on the people. And I will agree, this is heavy - from the childhood to be located into some the framework. You do not manage to [nagulyatsya], cannot allow itself to complete any stupidity But at the adult age this to make still heavier - because it is not possible to refer to youth and thus to avoid responsibility. Therefore in some characters, like Britney Spears, occur certain shifts. The load of popularity here still plays its role. [Sozdaetsya] illusion, as if you already all in your life made. There is this danger; therefore it is sometimes necessary to behave like a hooligan, to beat plates, to be discharged. To at least strike pear in the gymnasium. - A which does personally you discharge? - (It thought.) I into the gymnasium walk! In principle, I sufficiently heavy person, from me suffer close ones. Because precisely I am torn away on them, even if they are not guilty. Simply in me it drips, drips, and then - last drop, and it explodes me. I am quick tempered person, I Aries, I ram! (Smilling)
- On you you will not say. - Because I know how on the people to hold itself in the hands. But house, in to family circle, I can [psikhanut], I can shout. So that they no longer react. They think: [pooret], [pooret] will be quieted!
- I.e., you will move away rapidly? - Yes, very. Sometimes immediately. I do not know how to hold offence. I cannot for long offend.
- A which you can take away from itself? - I greatly do not love disrespect to the strange labor, disrespect personally to my labor. I do not love, when incompetent people make decisions. And I hate [pofigizm]. Because [pofigizm] in our profession - this is terrible. Devil-may-care relation to the spectator. Still I hate, when people attempt on each trifle to save to the detriment of the quality.
- You said that you love to spend money with the mind. - This does not mean that I economize on everything. I spend colossal money on the production of my musical material, because i have high purposes and serious ambitions. I understand, that cheaply I will not be finished.
- You have song in essence in the English. I know that you are oriented toward the West. But why he to you is necessary? - The Western market for completely different. Much higher level, it must be confessed. Nevertheless show business is sufficiently provincial. But there - are more than respect for artists, more scale concert programs, more than money is packed into the music. There people more rapidly receive new sounding, and - thus far to the regions of [doydet]!
- I now, I so understand, [idet] active operation - Concerning advance to the West, one-and-a-half year ago we slowly began work. The intelligible matter, sitting in Russia, cannot be conquered strange market, but we wrote down one club [singl], then by the second, then let out clip. My friends arrived, they indicated that they saw it on the western television. I myself drove into England, found its disk in the musical stores. I.e., small step is made. My song even reached the tenth place in the hit-parade. But since September I begin to write in England my third album. To hurry not necessary, you will always have time to be mistaken. It is better to count all and to make a powerful shot.
- Songs will be without the balalaikas? - Accurately without the balalaikas, because this already banality. Yes even balalaika - this already long ago not Russia, in any case, not modern Russia.
- What reward for you is the most honorable? - By [gremmi].
- A whose opinion is the very important? - It is honest? Always my own. Even opinion of mom - it undoubtedly important, but is far from solving.
- I.e., it cannot you influence? - In the creation - accurately no. In the life still it can somehow drip to the brains - if we it takes a long time drip perhaps something will come out. But in the creative plan I independent, to me am necessary no one's estimation.
- In one of the interview you said that you easily transfer solitude. This as before thus? - Yes. I quietly transfer solitude, moreover, I want him. Now food by several days into Italy in order to stay one. - You is self-critical person? - Very. I hysterically do not transfer shortages in the work. And so it is heavy to find man, who hears just as you. Cannot explain to now and then even musicians which does not please you, because these are purely subconsious sensations. You begin to explain, people do not understand - and I am irritated.
- You is exacting to the people? - In principle, yes. True, with respect to the people there is no such super-maximalism as with respect to itself. But generally, with me complicatedly, I am rigid person, in me serious requirements. In this case it is opened for the close ones. And I try to much give to close ones and friends, my association - these are still my friends. My neighbor circle. However, when they sit down themselves on the neck, of course, offensively. Simply sometimes people me betray. And all - in me it operates the Iron Curtain. It is shut and more never it will be opened. I pardon man, but it [perestaet] for me to exist.
- Rancorous; however. - Well yes, I remember evil, but I do not fan from this scandal. And I do not take vengeance as the answer.
- A with the second half as? At one time you said that very amorous. - This, until now, thus. Love - generally outstanding state. Even love is not this bright feeling. Me seems, love that more not predicted, living! But love - is faster a flat feeling.
- A was experienced sometimes this feeling of love? - Well, judging from the fact, that I, until now, make fall in love ([Smeetsya].)
- But nevertheless sooner or later will come up the question of family? - Will not come up the question. Simply this [proizoydet] by itself. But in this case man cannot forego the career. He - breadwinner in the family. This woman can to itself say: i child; therefore some time will not have to work. But in man so a question does not stand, it must work and earn so that the wife would give birth to children and not than to herself she rejected.
- Patriarchal position. - I do not say that she will have to sit house entire life. It bears children, it will bring up - and it can go to work. This already as is convenient.
- A as your future family you do represent? - Out-of-town house, fireplace. I will sit in the knitted sweater with the cup of tea together with the wife, and will all around run small kiddies, also in knitted [nosochkakh], on the wooden sex. Here approximately thus. (Smilling)
- It can so happen, that at some moment you will cease to be occupied by music? - I hope that no. I will be always occupied by music. Simply at some moment my albums will reach the millionth print runs in the entire world, and I can sit, not make anything, but to me will drip dividends. But I will only plan sequential stage! (Smilling)
- I.e., you do not plan changes. - I already changed. For example, then, as now I appear, this progress. Not the fact that two years ago. Then I was boy -[poprygaychikom]. Now somehow [pereformatiruyus] into other means. To me twenty five, I make one, and when will become thirty, I will make something another. But nevertheless this will be connected with the music. I know how in no way more to be occupied.
- A terrible histories about the fact that show business is severe, this truth? - It is absolutely correct. This is the actually very heavy business, in which all competitors. Each wants to hold its success by any means. The meanness and treachery very frequently are encountered because of this. And there is no friendship. But not because all people there of bastard, but because each has its graph, it cannot be been friends with whom, except its command. You are seen most frequently with them, and here these people become your of [semey]. There is about than to have a talk with them. But artist with artist can share only with last gossips about each other. This is not friendship.
- The version of long-term duet with someone you do examine? - Single-time, [odnopesennyy] - yes. But so - no. This to me greater is uninteresting.
- Here they say: artist offend it can each - Yes, yes! And artist, and singer! It is easy. Always [naydetsya] the heap of people, which want you to humble, to lower and to dissuade you in your talent. Me also some tell that I do not know how to sing and generally all, that I make, complete [fignya].
- Yes it is agreeable! And as you to this criticism do relate? - It is unpleasant. This will be written down inside. But deeply in the soul it settles only when I myself I feel some roughness. And here when to me this they indicate - then it operates. But if simply they say: Lazarev, you to sing do not know how, I will look on them and will say: thanks, before the meeting. And I will not in this rummage, because I know itself: I the singing person, all my concerts give alive. Yes, in comparison with The [khvorostovskim] I give to drink, of course, poorly. But we have different tasks, technology and audience.
- In you did occur on the scene extreme situations? - Yes, there was ambush. When you [poskalzyvaeshsya] or foot [zastrevaet] between the strip lights, and you will eat up with one foot of that fixed. I remember, then nearly it collapsed into the orchestral pit. And on the singing it was actually audible, when it rocked me. A-A- A! It was ridiculous. But on- large nothing not on whom it fell, it did not catch fire. Because my concerts are very well organized. ([Smeetsya].) Also it did not come out with the unbuttoned [shirinkoy].
But - A as the most extreme of show - dances on ice, circus? - The first surveying day on ice. We are prepared entire month. We roll ourselves, roll ourselves. And I in the first show at the end of number sit down myself on the twine. Idea is such.
- Whose such merry idea? - My. It decided to [vypendritsya]. And here are surveys - completely [mutornyy] process. Thus far all you [dozhdeshsya], you heat muscles, but on ice they nevertheless rapidly thicken. As a result horse somehow uncomfortably was inserted, and I obtained the tension of rear buttock muscles. During the following two weeks could not to itself even tie laces on the boots, but to me female partner tied on the horses. In this case we continued to be rolled. From us they required any supports, complex elements I made all with the wild pain! But the second foot it stretched in the project circus with the stars. When to the rehearsal arrived my dear athlete Aleksey [Nemov], I exactly on the rings hang. I think: [Nemov] it stands! I with it am familiar, of course, but he wanted to show that I know how to make. Well it was bent without the stretching unsuccessfully. It stretched the second foot. But toward the end project was ill already all. And if ordinary people are smeared after soul by cream for the body, then I smeared on entire perimeter [voltarenom] and by other creams from the muscular pain. Well yes, from the project then all left the injuries.
- Talismans in you exist? - No. There is a small cross. And signs there are no special. Simply we are gathered by entire association before each concert: one for all and everything for one! In order simply to feel power engineering of each other. And to be connected by the entire command before the appearance. This tradition.
Lazarev - one of the most reserved Russian singers. Thus far others turn novels right and left, it most frequently appears at the parties in the solitude. And it thoroughly goes around the theme of personal life in the interview. In the nearest plans in singer the release of the third solo album, return to the scene as the actor of play you will " lend tenors, participation in the charitable project Global Of one. But thus far [singl] Lazer Of boy, recorded by Sergey together with To [timati], begins its triumphal procession on the radio and by teles-ether of the country.
- You do play in the theater, you do participate into some teles-project, you do perform on tour - as you all do manage? - I try not to mix up all together. When in the theater there was the period of preparation, I was occupied only [im]. when play it left, in me appeared the clear timetable: date, during what days I play, and remaining time was freed for something other. Everything depends on that, you do know how to plan time. I plan each day on the hours, even output. Such that I would arise in the morning and he did not know that to me to make, does not occur. When I in Moscow, I clearly know, when i have the gymnasium, when interview, into how much encounter, survey. And, if I undertake the specific project, I after several months check, I can extend this project, or not. When to me, for example, entered proposal to [pouchastvovat] in the show two stars, I refused, because he understood that physically I cannot this - in me it was planned make a large theatrical stage, and I could not abolish him. If we already participate in the competition, it is necessary to approach victory. But to retire, justifying this fact that i have theatrical graph For me any competition, competition - this is serious. In any case, if we do not conquer, then do entire possible for the victory. I trained my fans and people, with which I work, which everything must be on the highest discharge, at the level. I already thus began to tear lath, which each at once increasingly heavier and is heavier it to support. Some small of [lyap], minus, which can be present in any appearance, is received by me as tragedy. I carry out the maximum of time in the studio or I am occupied by the matters.
- It literally recently saw your photo with Whitney Houston. You to it were introduced? - Here everything was understandably: it world of wonder. Despite the fact that me by it they represented as Russian super-Star, I perfectly well understand that on its scales my popularity slightly goes out. But it was very affable, it was greeted, it inquired, as in me the matter, photographed with me, smiling completely sincerely, and it wished pleasantly flight - I was gathered to the aircraft.
- It you did not disappoint? Indeed sometimes superstars with the personal contact prove to be in no way such, such as we them visualize - I wonderfully understood that to bother to it by some by conversations does not stand: when artist rests after some concert (but this it was after concert), it is very devastated. And, if it agrees to photograph with you, it is necessary to only photograph and to leave. But for me thus were possible to tie with it after all conversation next to it was despite the fact that daughter and many other people from her command. But here in our, Russian stars to be disappointed it is necessary very often. Especially this concerns people, which recently appeared in show business, only they took off. It seems them, this will be always, they think that their only song, which at the given moment sounds from each iron, will be Heath always. And that the following song will be encountered so effectively. But this is often complete not so Amusingly now and then to observe: when you meet some artist (or group), who is located on the peak of popularity, which seizes nose and it passes by, not healthy with you. But through half a year, when its quarry it begins to be bent, it suddenly is very affably and cordially begins with you to associate. I in adult show business already the seventh year, in my life were very high takeoffs, the hysteria of girls -[fanatok], [zvezdnost] (we caught starry disease still when Paley in the duet Smash!! ), and there were also immense drops. Necessary more simply to relate to these takeoffs: everything can change in a moment.
- To the drops also necessary more simply to relate? - To the drops I respond them I heavily and greatly survive. Each my failure, which perhaps only by me estimates as failure, this for me problem and occasion for [samokopaniya]. Indifferently relates to the failures I thus far it did not learn, probably this and it is correct, because, when to man on everything to assume, when to it entire [poboku], then it is possible to conclude career.
- A to the factory of stars you as do relate? - This phenomenon was in the entire world, and it greatly depreciated the work of artist, significance him as personalities. They suggested to people, which by artist can be any, that this is not especially complex work. Everything are done for you: they bring you, plant into the incubator, color, cut, they dress, three months learn to sing and they let out to the conveyor - finished star is banal. To people they rammed in this into the head. When you in the interview say, as it is heavy to live to artist, as much for it is necessary to work, as it is complicated to maintain all this, in simple people the question arises: and that such heavy? You that, the bags of plummets, that whether? I.e., there is no understanding, what is the work of artist, singer is, in what its complexity. But complexity is colossal: it is not enough that these are physical labor, here even and psychological, moral work. When you understand, that you are located under the cap, into some the framework, you depend on the fact that about you they will write You realize, that always cannot make that the fact that you want. Because there is public opinion.
- For you importantly public opinion? You do survive because about you they do write? - Looking about which they write. What rumors - to me nevertheless. I never tell about my personal life, and this causes additional interest. The it is further, the greater. To me narrower it is interesting how this all will end: probably, fact that me they will assign to [zoofilam]. All these reckless rumors are born exceptionally because in me the principle: not to show its family, its house, at least, even if we show, then on the minimum. Are some newspapers the periodicals, which write exceptionally within the framework that all must show its bedroom, toilet, shower. This is incorrect, in my view: I artist, discuss my creation. I give for this many occasions: I let out songs, I make interesting theatrical and circus works - if you please, the mass of that, about which it is possible to speak moreover, with whom I sleep, and as I my in the tank. Concerning press relative to my concerts, albums, some critical articles - this, of course, me interests. This is important, and me would like, naturally, so that the illumination of entire this would be positive. But, unfortunately, there are no musical critics in our country almost, and, after arriving from the presentation, journalists usually write not about the appearance, not about that, such as came out album, but what buffet was and who arrived from the stars, get-together was how starry.
- Frequently the filth do write? - Well here, for example, recently in me did pass elegant stage, there were complete halls, with the notice did pass the concert in [BKZ] of Saint Petersburg, people did stand on the ears, however, and that? No one wrote on this! But it was worthwhile for one concert to be abolished, even then not through my fault, as about this wrote everything, [rastirazhirovali] on everything to the Internet, that the concert was allegedly subsidence. All this advanced in that light, that to Sergey Lazarev are not sold the tickets, no one to it walks. To people it is more interesting to [pokopatsya] in the dirty linen and to as much as possible pass on [personalii], to humble man.
- A parents do survive, when do see such articles? - Survive, in any event, they indeed the average men. Now, of course, they do not believe to everything that they write concretely about me. Then if in the same newspaper is written frank nonsense about someone other, mom asks: Serezha, and this is truth? I tell in it: Moms, well you read in the same newspaper rot about me, as you can in this believe? Then now and then these are is one additional possibility to learn as in me the matter for the relatives. (It laughs).
- A who your strictest critic? Mom? - By it is heavy to criticize, because she understands, which does not examine this. She speaks: I - as people. Here to me it is very interesting from the point of view of people opinion that she will speak about one or other song or another. The first, to whom I show new songs, this my family. Occurs this exclusively on the dacha, after the shashlik. After the specific glass of whisky I am decided to show my new songs all. (It laughs). This occurs very gaily, all harmoniously listen to, someone begins to criticize, if the first time they everyone greeted with the enthusiasm, then now they begin to build aesthetes, musical critics from themselves. Which unquestionably greatly pleases me.
- You - vain person? - Artist must be vain, this is absolutely accurate. By moderately vain, by moderately arrogant, moderately by egoist. [Nartsissizm] is present - this is truth. But in each determination are a measure, boundaries, you be necessary scarcely higher rest, but not to bend stick.
But - I where this boundary between the healthy ambitions and the starry disease? - This complex individual concept. Very many behavior Of [zemfiry] can be advanced as [zvezdnost]. If half of our artists will make that the fact that it, makes, them they will call [zvezdanutymi]. But this is personality in [Zemfiry], these are its nature, individuality. Here it is not possible to manufacture one formula. Many people behave provocatively, but this is their charisma, they in this are free. Therefore boundary to conduct complicatedly. And then, often, term starry disease is used by people, which for something offended to the artist: did not give autograph, it did not photograph. I in my address also often hear that absolutely not insured: Gone too far, [zazvezdivshiysya]. But the fact is that I simply passed in the machine by and did not open window. Or it did not photograph with each [fanatkoy] from the thousandth hall. In me was the completely staggering case. I worked out solo concert - he was simply brilliant, we everything were contented, simply happy: musicians, dancers, decoration, ovation. Hall stood on the ears. And here I lifeless am dragged along in [grimerke], and worshippers rage after the wall. They [tarabanyat] into the doors, which separate Hall from [grimerki], and they yell: [Avtorgaf]! Autograph! The guards approach them and they indicate that, it is said, autographs it will not be, you disperse through the houses. And then I hear from this crowd the voice of the adult woman: As it will not be autograph? However, but for which we money then paid?. I.e., people, after obtaining elegant two-hour concert, most of all wait some curlicue! They can thus cross all impressions about the concert. I already think: it can to me simply with signatures begin to deal?
- I that - many adult women -[fanatok] you do attack? - Very. But I think that for many moms I - outstanding to [zyat], they see in me precisely sons-in-law. To me many bring to the photo of its daughters.
- With the worshippers you have feedback? - Yes. First, there is an administration of my [fan]- club - this of girl- worshipper, which at the specific moment me greatly helped, made great work. We with them associate, we discuss encounters with the local [fan]- clubs and so on. Then, i have a site, I on it frequently am, there there is the forum, which everyday attends many people. I read something, I separate talented people and in a some manner them I will follow for a while. All it is not possible to read, of course: [Serezha] cut even 80 pages of commentaries. I read that concerning my creation. To the then talented I can propose to become, let us say, the moderators of forum, to somehow help site.
The journal [Kleo] conducted [blits]- interrogation with Sergey Lazarev:
- Are friends you with the Internet? - Yes. - With what animal you yourselves do associate? - With the sparrow. - have you in the childhood nickname? - Laser. - Which your psychological age? - 32. - You are owl or lark? - Something average. - Is there in you talisman? - No. - As you do remove stress? - I have a drink. - Where was conducted last leave? - In Miami. - What melody does stand in you on the cell phone? - Classical. - Your dear aphorism? - Under the recumbent stone water does not flow.
You look tv programs with the participation of Sergey already soon: - Channel STS - histories in the components. - The first channel - fashionable sentence. - The channel of TNT - intuition.
- Well where still, as not into Cosmo, they love to [poizdevatsya] above the people Man, whom [priznaetsya] itself, that practically it does not know how clearly to answer yes or no to any questions, we invited to the lie detector and directly after all they made it necessary to be frank.
Well where still, as not into Cosmo, they love to [poizdevatsya] above the people Man, whom [priznaetsya] itself, that practically it does not know how clearly to answer yes or no to any questions, we invited to the lie detector and directly after all they made it necessary to be frank.
- Circus, roller, scene You do consider yourselves many-sided person? Sergey: Yes. Detector: Yes.
- The song "Girlfriend" - you sing it particularly to one girl? Sergey: No. Detector: No.
- To you there is that to hide from its worshippers? Sergey: No! Although Detector: Yes. Commentary: I here thought that something nevertheless I hide: the number of telephone, address, all its flames, all close its. Concerning creation, here I am opened.
- You do consider yourselves adult person? Sergey: Probably, yes. Detector: Yes.
- You do remember clearly the moment of [vzrosleniya]? Sergey: No Yes! Detector: Yes. Commentary: I accurately remember. This was withdrawal from the duet Smash!!. Then I began to [vzroslet], to make decisions, to answer for my behavior.
- Were preserved in you some children's complexes? Sergey: Yes. Detector: Yes.
- You does not confuse your popularity in people for 50, for example? Sergey: No. Detector: Yes. Commentary: Not only it does not confuse - me pleases to start people somewhat older, pleases public adult. And when I see that these people shout: Bravo! , they join in singing, I experience satisfaction. Adult are simply more than [skovanny].
- Your new program with the lashes and by pneumatic dolls is calculated for this category? Sergey: Including. Detector: Yes.
- You do personally track publications about you in media outlets? Sergey: Well it occurs, yes. Detector: Yes.
- You would want to have more than two children? Sergey: No. Detector: Yes. Commentary: I love children, certainly. But the same and responsibility! Two - that which is necessary.
- In the life you of the same Macho as on the scene? Sergey: No. generally this word I do not love. Detector: Yes. Commentary: I am artist, in me different means. Scene assumes [utrirovannost], in the life I [proshche].[Nedavno] get down on the escalator, girl turns around and she screams: Oh!" But in the life it nothing, is better than on the scene. - You do manage to live usual life? Sergey: No. Detector: No.
- For the latter the pair of years you have valuable leave? Sergey: Yes, it was in two years - in two years. Detector: Yes.
- You do please stockings into the mesh? Sergey: Yes-A- A! Detector: Yes.
- You would want to have more than two children? Sergey: No. Detector: Yes. Commentary: I love children, certainly. But the same and responsibility! Two - that which is necessary.
- In the life you of the same Macho as on the scene? Sergey: No. generally this word I do not love. Detector: Yes. Commentary: I am artist, in me different means. Scene assumes [utrirovannost], in the life I [proshche].[Nedavno] get down on the escalator, girl turns around and she screams: Oh!" But in the life it nothing, is better than on the scene. - You do manage to live usual life? Sergey: No. Detector: No.
- For the latter the pair of years you have valuable leave? Sergey: Yes, it was in two years - in two years. Detector: Yes.
- You do please stockings into the mesh? Sergey: Yes-A- A! Detector: Yes.
- Sergey Lazarev - dear target for the yellow press. About it this summer appeared so many rumors, which would be sufficient to two Ksenya Sobchak`s. That the truth, while that no - we are investigated in the slack atmosphere of magic journey to the Italian island Iskya. On Iskya island, that not far from Naples, they drive in order to be opened from the stressed peace of large cities and work at the [beshennom] rate. Sergey Lazarev decided to leave precisely here - with the support of [turoperatora] BSI Of group - to rest before the new stage of life.
Sergey Lazarev - dear target for the yellow press. About it this summer appeared so many rumors, which would be sufficient to two Xenia [Sobchak]s. That the truth, while that no - we are investigated in the slack atmosphere of magic journey to the Italian island Of [iskya]. On [Iskya] island, that not far from Naples, they drive in order to be opened from the stressed peace of large cities and work at the [beshennom] rate. Sergey Lazarev decided to leave precisely here - with the support of [turoperatora] BSI Of group - to rest before the new stage of life.
- Well as it Iskya? - In order to reach the island, it is necessary to arrive in Naples, and there to sit down on the ferry boat. They thus far waited it - they uncorked the bottle of [sitsiliyskogo] on the whole, I excellently spent time. It learned other Italy - not the country of discounts and shopping, but Italy small, island, rural and amazingly human. Of people it was little. Spoke in Russian in this case the Italians in the restaurants and hotels. It occurs, they hear new word - is written it. Now there they speak in the languages of all tourists, who arrive in them.
- Thus, they rested, and now - about the work. - Began new studio period - I work at the new album. Concluded contract with the new managers - the same, who work now Jay as Sean (song Ride it it vomited all hit-parades of peace this summer). Made already photo-session for the foreign market - old photo do not approach. I here understood that greatly he changed in last two years.
- You do bear in mind - outwardly? - I outwardly, and internally It is somehow mature, sharply it grew up. Maybe, realized boundary - 25 years. But can I simply in a moment very briefly cut. And were changed gestures, behavior Suddenly he understood: now I and really such. Everything in a manly manner. I even music began another to please. So that the third album my will be another.
- After Yurmala all only and gossip about you and Lera Kudryavcheva. How you can this comment? - They gossip, of course, not simply so You know, when it occurs: people first are friends, and they then simply become close ones. On the spirit. But I made no such statements, that, it is said, to [vau], wedding, although the press married us actually. Early - and generally, and to me personally. Yes, we spend time together sometimes. It arranges me, that and life, in me - our and we generally go in parallel in screw cutting - our work. There are the moments, when we convergent- disperse I generally man very changeable. Even amorous.
- Oho! But this as should be understood? - Well, once every two weeks into someone I make fall in love. To me rapidly it annoys, you represent This is terrible, I know.
- A on you you will not say. Like this exemplary boy - Yes what I exemplary? Certainly, I created this means to itself for many years, and today itself from it I suffer. Sweet boy - this of the framework, into which itself you force. To questions of the type: and you do drink? you smoke? - you answer: well, certainly, no!. Worshippers see in me prince and think that each of them has a chance This is incorrect with respect to them. Everything works on the means of [pupsika]. Then this means dictates to you, as it is necessary to act. I do not want to be Britney. It is buried under the means of Cinderellas. I accurately know, whom I irritate and who flies into a rage, which in me came out. I do not have producer with the thick purse. No one moves me, he does not say: you must. I must only to parents. well and to fans in order their confidence not to lose.
- What must be man, with whom you will remain forever? - I do not know generally, possibly such in my situation. I do not know that must happen so that I would stop. I do not understand, how it is possible to combine personal, family life with my work.
- A you it does generally want house - family - children? - I will not manage thus far. The load of responsibility - not only for itself, but also for its command - will give to me to think not about which other. And in this terrible enclosure you should still find forces in order to say: oh, regards, I love, whole. Even if I this pronounce, then I understand, that I make this on the automatic weapon. I simply greatly love my freedom.
- For you family - this of the framework? - Yes. And generally, I am not gift. Quick tempered, from frequently [menyayushchmmsya] by mood, is tower-less. Very easily I can offend man - unconsciously. From the other side, I good, but when they attempt to my freedom, immediately I arise into the pose of panther and no one not forest into the personal space. Maybe, because childhood was such - in sight for all. Since then and you begin to learn to value your.
- O-about- about, yes it is similar, you simply try to outdistance impact from the side of partner - you throw earlier than they throw you. - It can be and thus. I know that in such relations I am egoist.
- It is agreeable, but really there is no heap of people around you, which are ready everything to throw - and to adore you one? - Oh, well this to me is uninteresting, i are not necessary worship. Two people fight inside me: one, can and wants so that they would worship, another it wants to conquer.
- Is obtained, you directly some lonely knight. - In the global sense, yes, I am lonely. With one [storonyy], this more easily, because, when you leave on the tour, you do not have not before whom any obligations. From the other side, when you arrive from the tours toward the morning home, it wishes so that someone would prepare the breakfast, said how do you do, dear! , it kissed. But there is no such person. And that? You come in I am empty apartment.
- That zh, into 25 years this is the hardly realized father of [semeytsva]. - This, probably now for me thus. Although I was born, when to mom with dad it was on 25. now other dynamics of life, something is necessary consciously to put aside.
- To imagine, that now feel the potential mothers of your children - Well, for me from Omsk they here produced child. At long last I lived until this bright day, and that senior fellows said, as this occurs. Here is one additional side effect of my complex personal life: the mass of gossips is always born. With this it is heavy to fight, yes even it is must? It strikes, as [chnlovek] can write filth about other, and then quietly go to drink tea or to educate children. I will say to simply all enviers: iditol to feature.
- Well, in summer you shot, of course, after interview with the prima donna. - Yes-A- A I exactly told in it about what we artists, lonely people and as this love [fanatskaya] deprives us right to his own happiness. She said to that [Alla] Of [borisovna] that, it is said, in you is a friend, the partner, which you he helps even it supports, [Misha] steward next day titles were such: [Alla] Of [pugacheva] opened the secrets of the intimate life of Sergey Lazarev. As a result my concert director they assigned to me in lovers. And it went it went, reprinting on everything to the Internet - in a word, it strained. Generally, it enrages, that all this is more interesting than creation.
- It is worthwhile to estimate your work now as preparation for Eurovision? - I think, the theme Eurovision is closed for me. I on the nature conqueror. Victory is already alien to us into the country, and it is foolish to calculate, that we will conquer the second time.
- You will not participate? But who? - Well think, victory was brought, and not by me. It happened in the manner that it happened: Dimaof [vyygral] this is good. But why the second time? it is necessary to be quieted already, we this of [vyygrali]. To [davate] let us give chance to unknown artists. It seems me, this chance to state about itself.