The Jonas Brothers are a VMA-nominated American boy band. They gained their popularity solely from the television network, Disney Channel. Hailing from Wyckoff, New Jersey, the band consists of three brothers: Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas and Nick Jonas and has gained fans from all ages. They have released three albums: It's All About Time (2006), Jonas Brothers (2007), and A Little Bit Longer (2008). More information.
Is this forum any of the band's fans? I must confess that I am totally hooked on this band, I fell in love with them and Joe is my favorite I love their music and I have all of their albums.
This is one pic, from left to right Nick, Joe and Kevin.
-- Edited by suviniina at 18:40, 2008-10-04
I know I'm gonna make you mine, cuz to me you're divine boy.